Champion’s Industries Will Pick Up Household Trash and Recycle Saturday, January 14th.

Texas Pride did not finish trash/recycle collection in portions of the District today. Therefore, Champions Industries will be finishing those areas of the District starting tomorrow morning (1/14/23).

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to respond to Texas Pride’s poor performance; as we progress through the final month of their contract serving our District (January 31, 2023).

Champion’s Industries Will Pick Up Household Trash and Recycle Wednesday, January 11th.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 11th, Champion’s Industries will pick up household trash and recycle.

Texas Pride is supposed to service us on our normal schedule of Tuesdays (household only) and Fridays (household and recycling). Due to poor service and a huge backlog of needed waste/recycle collections across the district, Champion’s Industries will provide supplemental service.

All waste, be it household waste, recycling and green debris, will be disposed of as waste by Champion’s during this supplemental service period.

Regular services days continue to be by Texas Pride on Tuesdays and Fridays until the end of the month.

Recycling Update

Due to the high holiday trash and recycle volume, Texas Pride Disposal will complete recycle collection in the Cypress Forest PUD on Saturday, 12/31/22.

Trash Collection Today

Due to high post-Christmas trash volume, Texas Pride Disposal will resume and finish trash collection in the District today.

Upcoming Freeze – Service Update – Friday, December 23rd

As our team’s safety is our number one priority, garbage services will be on a delayed start on Friday, December 23rd to avoid any issues with frozen roadways and hypothermia with our crew members.

At this time, we do not know what time routes will be starting, so we ask that you continue to place your garbage out by 6:00 a.m. on Friday.

In addition, recycle will be suspended on Friday to make sure our crews have adequate time and assistance to ensure all garbage is collected as scheduled.

We appreciate your understanding and respect for the well-being of our team, and wish everyone happy holidays!

Alert: Cypress Forest PUD Recycle Pick-up

Dear Cypress Forest PUD Residents,

We are aware that many residents in our district did not have their recycle bins picked up today. Texas Pride has informed us that all remaining recycle bins will be picked up tomorrow.

Thank you for your understanding,

Cypress Forest PUD

Texas Pride Disposal
Phone: (281) 342-8178
Monday – Thursday, 8:00-5:00; Friday, 8:00-4:00; Saturday, 9:00-Noon

No Recycling Collection Friday, July 15, 2022

To our valued Texas Pride customers,

We are currently experiencing a surge of positive COVID cases among our staff which has affected the level of service we provide to your community. As a result, tomorrow’s recycling has been suspended.

Your recycling will be picked up with the trash and your recycling service will resume next week.

Thank you for your understanding and know we are diligently working to get your service back on track.

If you have questions, please go to You may also call us at 281-342-8178 or email us at

Texas Pride Disposal


Delayed Trash Service April 5th

Dear valued customer,

Our crews are working hard to complete today’s trash routes; however, we are experiencing some delays. Should we not be able to service you before the end of the day, we will service you tomorrow.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience, and feel free to contact our customer service department with any questions or concerns.

Phone: (281) 342-8178
( Monday – Thursday, 8:00-5:00; Friday, 8:00-4:00; Saturday, 9:00-Noon )

Delayed Trash Service March 22nd

The majority of our routes are running with delays. Crews were held back as the line of storms passed through the area this morning. Routes will likely continue into Wednesday.

Phone: (281) 342-8178
( Monday – Thursday, 8:00-5:00; Friday, 8:00-4:00; Saturday, 9:00-Noon )