POSTPONED: HCFCD Public Meeting on Champions Stormwater Detention Basin/Raveneaux Acquisition

In an abundance of caution and in line with other City of Houston and Harris County agencies, the Harris County Flood Control District has postponed the Public Meeting originally scheduled for March 31 in connection with the Champions Stormwater Detention Basin project and Raveneaux property acquisition. All other Flood Control District Community Engagement and Public Meetings for the month of March 2020 also have been postponed.

Please help us get the word out to others who might be interested, and please visit the project webpage for project updates and future meeting information.

WCA Update

WCA is currently experiencing difficulties with their operating systems and in some cases phone service. Normal collection service may be delayed and communication may be limited while they work to restore their normal operations. WCA appreciates your patience and will provide updates as they come available.

Our Water is Safe to Drink

The surface water supply of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (the “Authority”) was not affected by City of Houston’s major water line break on Thursday, February 27, 2020.

There will not be a boil water notice issued by the Authority to its customers at this time.

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (the “TCEQ”) requires that a boil water notice be issued if the water pressure in a public water system falls below the minimum requirement. The surface water the Authority receives from the City of Houston is conveyed from a different water treatment plant via a separate transmission line which never lost its pressure from the major line break.

In addition, the Authority monitors and tests the quality of the water frequently after it reaches the Authority’s facilities to ensure the integrity of the water we provide to our customers.

Raveneaux Country Club Acquisitions Information

The Harris County Flood Control District closed on the purchase of the Raveneaux Country Club on January 30, 2020. The final purchase price for 27.63 acres of land was $11,496,427.20, which is also the current appraised value for the property.

The final deal includes a leaseback on the 27.63 acres, allowing the Club to continue operating for up to one year.

The Flood Control District will begin discussions with the Cypress Forest Public Utility District in February regarding an agreement to acquire the remaining acreage that primarily makes up the golf course.

Community engagement meetings are being planned for late March.

More information…

Temporary Closure of Walking / Bike Path

Cypress Forest Public Utility District will temporarily close the walking/bike path under the Champion Forest Bridge as Harris County Engineers will reconstruct the water outfall from Champion Forest Drive to Cypress Creek. It is expected the construction will begin January 6 and last 6 to 8 weeks weather permitting.

Countywide General Acquisition

Findings and Declarations

WHEREAS, Commissioners Court of Harris County, Texas, has received and reviewed the survey(s) of property to be acquired for the public project known as Countywide General Acquisition 21 OO-OO-OO-R008, UPIN 20090021 ROOS, in Harris County, Texas (referred to herein as “the Project”), and the Harris County Real Property Division on behalf of the Harris County Flood Control District is authorized to acquire 15 tracts.

Read more…

What the heck! Why did my water bill go up so much this month?

The above question is a common call our Operator receives from customers each month. So why do some customers see a sudden spike in their water bills? The reasons will vary. To help determine the reason for an unusually high water bill, look at your water bill and find the amount of water used and then follow the steps below:

Let’s confirm your meter reading – How to read your meter

  • Meter styles will vary, but the diagram on the right is typical. The large sweep hand on the dial measures water use in gallons. One gallon of water passes through the water meter as the sweep hand moves from one number to the next (e.g., 0 to 1). A complete rotation equals 10 gallons. Most meters have a low-flow indicator that turns as water moves through the water meter. This typically looks like a small triangle (shown), star or gear.
  • Example: The sweep hand is on the “1” so the read is 1,356,411 gallons. The last number on the right is a static zero (does not change). When the sweep hand is on the “3” the read will be 1,356,413 gallons. The meter reads 1,356,410 which is the total number of gallons of water recorded since the meter was installed. Because the billed charge is only in thousand gallons of water, the meter reader discards the last three digits with the black background. The reading shown would be 1356 or 1,356,000 gallons. Look at your most recent water bill. The reading under current reading would now be your previous reading. Subtract the previous reading from the reading on your meter now and you will have the amount of water usage since your last reading.
  • If you feel you meter reading was incorrect, call us. Meter reading is done manually and mistakes, while rare, can happen. A service technician will re-read your meter. If an error is discovered, you will receive a billing adjustment.

Do I have a leak?

Most spikes in water use are due to a leak or increased outdoor water use on lawns. Follow these steps
to check for a leak.

  • Look at your water meter and locate the low flow indicator, also called a leak detector. Typically this is a small triangle that will slowly turn with low use, and spin rapidly with higher water use.
  • Is the triangle turning? If it is, even very slowly, you may have a leak. Check and be sure no water is being used inside or outside the home. If you are not knowingly using water, and the triangle continues to turn, you have a leak.
  • If you need help performing this test, call us. We will help you with a no-charge service call to your home. While we cannot enter your home, we can assist you with the test.

Check for toilet leaks

Toilet leaks are one of the most common sources of leaks. Leaky toilets can waste hundreds of gallons a day undetected and should be repaired immediately. Pinpointing a toilet leak is easy and usually inexpensive. Follow these procedures to locate a toilet leak: Wait 5-10 minutes after the last flush.

  • Remove tank cover. Is the water level in the tank too high and spilling into the overflow tube? If it is you have a leak.
  • While you have the tank cover off, put food coloring, laundry bluing or a leak detector tablet in the toilet tank. Wait at least 30 minutes. If the colored water appears in the bowl, you have a leak.

The meter reading was correct, and I don’t have a leak. Now what?

  • Irrigation of lawns is by far the largest use of water during hot, dry months. Check your irrigation controller settings. Water only as needed to keep your lawn healthy. Water in the street after your system runs indicates you are over watering, or that repairs or adjustments may be needed to your irrigation system.
  • If you are able, read your meter, run your irrigation system through a complete cycle, and re-read your meter after. The amount of water you use per irrigation cycle can be helpful in determining how much water is used weekly or monthly.
  • Other causes of increased water use include:
    • Filling of pools
    • Guests staying at your home
    • Malfunctioning water softeners

Is my water meter accurate?

Water meters lose accuracy as they age. As meters age, the parts wear, causing meters to underregister. This is why we change meters out on a scheduled basis based on water use. Meters will almost never over-register the water used. If you feel your meter isn’t accurate, call us.

Now what?

Some spikes in water use cannot be positively identified. We will assist in investigating high water use complaints, however Cypress Forest cannot control water that passes through the meter. It is the customer’s responsibility to locate and repair leaks and to ensure water is not being wasted.