At WCA, our highest priority continues to be the health and well-being of our customers and staff during an evolving situation. Last night, we learned that one of our drivers has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. As a precaution, the helpers and other drivers who have been in close contact with this driver have been quarantined.
How Will This Affect Your Service?
WCA provides an essential service for the Houston Metroplex and our mission is to provide the best service possible to our communities. For now, our priority will shift to collect the putrescible waste first. This is the material that begins to breakdown and decompose first in the Houston heat.
This means that residents need to separate their putrescible waste from their bulk waste to ensure proper and timely collection. A two-bag maximum for bulk, per home, will be picked on your scheduled service day. WCA/VF Waste Services will not be collecting carpet or construction materials as regular collection related to this event.
Recycle Services:
Effective Tuesday, March 31, 2020 – Until Further Notice
- We are suspending recycle service for the greater Houston area.
Please Note: Suspended services due to this event will not be made up or pushed to another service day.
WCA/VF Waste services made these decisions due to the severity of the conditions, and safety concerns to our community and the WCA family. We thank you for your partnership and for your patience and continued trust in WCA/VF Waste Services.
Please take care and be safe throughout the remainder of this event.
WCA/VF Waste Services Municipal Department
Please Note: If you have any questions please call or email customer service:
- Phone: 281-368-8397
- Email: